Our Season


The Voices season consists of two semesters – fall/winter and spring. We rehearse and present two concerts each year, typically in mid-December and mid-May.

Our spring concert will be on May 17, 2025. Please see the program description below:

Shadow and Light  Spring 2025
This piece, by Joan Szymko, is a compassionate exploration of the lives of those touched by Alzheimer’s dementia. The libretto is a carefully ordered collection of poems and texts from various sources, including scripture, contemporary poets, the composer’s own writing, and poems by caregivers. Three major segments provide the structure for a “universal” story of Alzheimer’s.
Part I / The Cloud of Forgetting is told from the perspective of a person diagnosed with dementia, and features a mezzo-soprano soloist.
Part II / Uncontainable Night focuses on the experience of the loved one/caregiver, (Soprano and Tenor).
Part III / I and Thou maintains that the person with dementia has not ‘disappeared.’ They are not ‘the disease’ — but a person still capable of feeling love, beauty, music and who remains capable of connection. Throughout, the chorus performs the role of storyteller, care partner— witness.

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